Friday, July 13, 2012
Yesterday saw a combine force of 13 girl guides, 5 scouts and 3 members of Rukunegara Club plus two teachers-advisor of girl guides literally marching from the school under scorching 3pm sun to render community service at an oldfolks home in Jalan Terengganu which is about 1Km away.
There they were greeted by happy senior citizens and they went straight away to do their duty such as washing toilets, mopping the floor, cleaning the drains, making up the bed and so on.
All in all it was a sight to behold and an exemplary act to emulate. Hats off to all those involved irrespective of race, culture and creed. Photos showing the event.
“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”
― Mother Teresa