

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

After making Fondue, members of the Consumer Club of the school indulged in foot massage or reflexology. Members were taught this ancient art by their capable teacher advisor who is none other than Pn. Choo.

The massaging of feet to diagnose and cure disease. In the 1930s, Eunice Ingham (1889-1974) applied Occam’s razor to Dr. William Fitzgerald’s teachings in Zone Therapy (1917) and dubbed the result reflexology. She eliminated all of Fitzgerald’s energy zones--he said there are ten such zones in the body--except for the feet. Reflexology is based on the unsubstantiated belief that each part of each foot is a mirror site for a part of the body. The big toe, for example, is considered a reflex area for the head. As iridology maps the body with irises, reflexology maps the body with the feet, the right foot corresponding to the right side of the body and the left foot corresponding to the left side of the body. Because the whole body is represented in the feet, reflexologists consider themselves to be holistic health practitioners, not foot doctors. Allegedly, the ancient Chinese and Egyptians practiced reflexology, and it is still very popular in Europe.

Photos showing the event.

“I cried because I had no shoes, then I met a man who had no feet.”

Posted by Kolej T6 Haji Zainul Abidin at 12:09 PM  

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