Monday, May 03, 2010
Mr. Anson dan Miss Sam of Disney Channel paid a visit to the school last Friday to promote The High School Musical My School Rocks 2010 with the fervent wish of motivating students to participate in this dance competition with a promise of dancing all the way to Los Angeles USA.
So, students, put on your thinking cap and dancing shoes. Sign up now and who knows you might dance your way into the hearts of the panel of judges and on the way to USA !
Photos showing Mr. Anson and Miss Sam doing their promotion.
"Work like you don't need the money, love like your heart has never been broken, and dance like no one is watching"-Aurora Greenway
Dear My School Rocks Participants (Penang) , Danzity Dance House is rewarding each participant with a free dance lesson with chief choreographer and dance instructor SEAN LOH at our studio... please bring along a PHOTO of your group in your costumes to claim your vouchers... for more INFO please call 012-4259272 or leave a message on our facebook...
Thank you for dancing and making Penang proud :)